Guernsey Malta Yacht Management

Authorised or local Representative Person (Cayman)

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A vessel owner (or joint owners) can appoint someone to act on their behalf.

The title given to this appointed person depends on the form used. If form CISR 855  is used, the person is called an "Authorised Person." If form CISR 856 Section 3 is used, they are called a "Representative Person," who will then confirm their appointment by completing form CISR 856 Section 4.

For joint ownership, one of the owners can be appointed as an Authorised Person through a Power of Attorney using form CISR 855 to act on behalf of all owners.

Appointing a Representative Person does not stop an owner from dealing directly with the Registry, either individually or through an Authorised Person.

Representative Persons Requirements


Type of Owner Owner On-Island Representative Person (RP) Remarks
Individual Owner Yes Not required  
Joint Owners Yes Not required  
Company or Shipping Entity Owned Yes Not required  
Individual Owner No Shall appoint A Single owner can act on his own behalf but must also appoint a Representative Person.
Joint Owners No Shall appoint  
Company or Shipping Entity Owned No Shall appoint  

Methods of Appointment of Representative Person


Type of Appointment Instrument(s) of Apmt Apmt Under Form CISR 856 Section 3 Remarks
Representative Person (RP) Yes Yes Must be on-Island. Can be same person as an Authorised Person but functions are separate.

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