Building a Valuable Company

Adam Kerrigan's Guide to Successful Business Buyouts

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Adam Kerrigan's story of going from selling his own tech support company to becoming a big name in buying and merging other companies is full of useful lessons about business plans, personal change, and dealing with big shifts. Let's look at the important parts of his journey, including how he bought companies, brought them together, and handled the emotional ups and downs that come with it.

Buying Companies: Playing to Your Strengths

Adam started by focusing on buying tech support companies that made over a million dollars, with a focus on steady income as the key to stability and growth. This wasn't just about getting bigger; it was about making the company stronger.

"We wanted to increase income and profits in areas where we already had a presence," Adam explained.

By looking for businesses that fit well with his company's sales and operations skills, he successfully joined with another company and increased revenue to $22 million. A big part of his plan was making sure that the former owners moved into roles where they could do well, creating a team spirit that made the merging process easier.

Bringing Companies Together: Matching Goals for Success

Combining companies is often the hardest part of any buyout, and Adam focused on making sure everyone and everything was on the same page. After selling his business, Adam went through a personal change. Getting rid of the stress of owning a business allowed him to focus on his health and growth.

"I felt like that was a time of major change where I was able to grow and improve," Adam shared.

This focus on personal growth was similar to the company's plan of matching buyouts to improve overall performance. By creating a strong team and making sure each new company fit into the bigger picture, Adam turned challenges into opportunities.

Changing Roles: Getting Used to Private Equity

When private equity (big investment firms) came into the picture, Adam's role changed a lot. He went from the flexible life of an entrepreneur to a structured environment focused on specific goals.

"My job was mainly about developing the company – building relationships, bringing people in, and helping them through the process of checking things out," Adam explained.

This change brought new duties and expectations, reflecting the strict demands of private equity ownership. It was a learning process, but one that made Adam a key player in making buyouts successful.

Deal Structures: From Shares to Cash

Under private equity, the way deals were made changed a lot. Buyouts went from being based on shares to being cash deals. While cash offers were attractive to sellers, they also brought challenges as business owners often wanted to see immediate financial returns.

"We had to change our approach a bit," Adam noted. "Private equity brought banks in, allowing us to offer cash upfront, which made a big difference."

This change not only made deals more appealing but also showed how private equity was changing the world of buyouts.

Growing Value: The Power of Reinvesting

One of the biggest advantages of private equity is the potential for huge growth in value. Adam explained how putting profits back into bigger deals could lead to significant financial gains.

"The money you reinvest grows quickly, giving you another chance to make a profit," he shared.

This plan allowed business owners to reach their financial goals faster, taking advantage of the higher value of larger companies.

Culture Challenges: Balancing Togetherness and Uniqueness

Bringing different company cultures together is one of the trickiest parts of buying and merging companies.

1 Adam stressed the importance of keeping the unique spirit of each company while creating a shared vision. For example, a Washington state branch kept its tradition of monthly barbecues, helping to keep a sense of local identity.

"Companies are made up of people, and our approach needed patience and respect for regional differences," Adam explained.

However, changing branding often proved to be emotionally difficult, especially when it meant replacing names that were personally important to founders.

Building Trust: The Key to Successful Deals

Trust is essential in buying and merging companies, and Adam prioritized honesty and open communication with potential acquisition targets. While being upfront about changes wasn't always easy, it helped build trust.

"Sellers want to know their employees will be taken care of," Adam noted. "Honesty creates trust, even if it's not what they want to hear."

His teamwork approach and long-term relationships in the industry made this trust stronger, ensuring smoother transitions.

Dealing with Regret: Handling Emotional Challenges

Regret after a buyout can be a big obstacle. Adam shared examples where poor communication or public expressions of regret caused problems. Sellers sometimes backed out at the last minute, influenced by the opinions of others or second thoughts.

"In the end, things failed to come together," Adam recalled.

Dealing with these emotional challenges required patience, understanding, and open communication to ensure better outcomes.

Conclusion: Lessons in Growth and Change

Adam Kerrigan's journey offers a valuable lesson in smart buyouts, bringing cultures together, and personal change. His experiences highlight how important it is to have shared goals, build trust, and navigate the emotional complexities of buying and merging companies. For anyone thinking about selling their business or exploring buyouts, Adam's story reminds us of the potential for growth and success – both personally and professionally.

Breaking the Mould Consulting Ltd: Your Partner in Buying and Merging Companies

Are you thinking about selling your business or exploring buying other companies? At Breaking the Mould Consulting Ltd, we are experts in guiding business owners through every step of this process. From strategic planning to smooth integration, our knowledge ensures your journey is as easy and successful as possible. Contact us today to learn how we can help make your business dreams a reality.

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