Yacht Owners Malta

Maltese Flag: A Guide to Superyacht Registration in Malta

3 Minute Read

Malta, a jewel nestled in the heart of the Mediterranean, boasts a rich maritime history and a world-renowned reputation as a leading international maritime service center. This makes it no surprise that Malta is also one of the most popular ports of registry for yachts in the European Union.

This blog post serves as your guide to navigating the many advantages of registering your yacht under the Maltese flag.

Malta: A Maritime Powerhouse

The Republic of Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a full-fledged member of the European Union in 2004. This island nation boasts a maritime tradition spanning centuries, solidifying its position as a leader in international maritime services.

The Malta Register of Ships: A History

The modern Maltese Register of Ships was established in 1973, as an open international register for shipping. The Malta Maritime Authority, established in 1991, acted as the regulator and administrator of this prestigious register. In 2010, Transport Malta, a government body overseeing maritime, land, and air transport in Malta, absorbed the Malta Maritime Authority.

The Home Port of Valletta

All vessels registered under the Maltese flag proudly display the port of registry, "Valletta," on their stern. This signifies membership in a well-respected register familiar to port and customs authorities worldwide

The Certificate of Maltese Registry: Proof of Ownership

Upon successful registration, your Maltese-registered yacht will be issued a Certificate of Maltese Registry, valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Eligibility for Yacht Registration

Malta welcomes private pleasure yachts of any size and commercial yachts exceeding 15 meters in length, regardless of their operational base or location.

Eligibility for Owners

As an international register, Malta extends its services beyond its borders. The following entities are eligible to register a yacht under the Maltese flag:

  • Any European Citizen
  • Companies or incorporated bodies from any jurisdiction

Those who don't hail from Malta or the European Union can register their yacht under the category of "international owner." International owners must appoint a resident agent in Malta. This agent acts as a liaison between the owner and the registry, handling matters related to registration upkeep and serving as the owner's legal representative in Malta. Breaking the Mould Consulting Ltd is proud to offer this service to international yacht owners. 

Benefits : 

  • Malta is a politically stable and neutral jurisdiction, offering a well-regarded maritime administration.
  • The Maltese flag represents a government-funded, operated, and staffed ship registry, ensuring exceptional service.
  • The neutral port of registry, "Valletta," signifies membership in a high-quality register, familiar to international port and customs authorities.
  • The registry prioritizes customer satisfaction, resulting in a swift turnaround time for applications.
  • The Maltese Register boasts a vast number of currently registered yachts.
  • The European time zone makes communication and coordination effortless.
  • Maltese registration is valid worldwide, with all documentation issued in English for clear understanding.
  • There's no need for your Maltese-registered yacht to ever physically visit Malta.
  • A provisional registration option allows immediate navigation coverage for your vessel after purchase.
  • The Malta Register of Ships provides concrete proof of ownership, facilitating the registration of a mortgage on your vessel.
  • Yachts can be coded and operated for commercial charter purposes under the Maltese register.
  • EU citizenship allows for registration without the need for company formation in most cases.
  • Malta imposes no nationality restrictions on the crew, granting yacht owners greater flexibility in staffing their vessels.
  • Private yachts are exempt from minimum manning requirements.

Our Services for Malta Superyacht Registration

 We offer a fixed-fee service and look after the registration for you. We handle the entire registration process on your behalf, keeping you updated and confident in a professional service.

Our All-Inclusive Package

Our fees encompass all registry fees. This includes obtaining the internationally recognized Certificate of Malta Registry, valid for ten years, and a radio license for your vessel if applicable.

Example Pricing (For Private Yachts Under 24 Meters):

Year One: €2,750.00

Year Two and Beyond: €1,250.00 per annum

This package covers everything you need for worry-free registration:

  • Provisional Certificate of Malta Registry (valid for six months)
  • Full Permanent Certificate of Malta Registry
  • Appointment of a Malta Resident Agent
  • Tonnage Survey Conducted Onboard Your Yacht (within the EU)
  • All Applicable Registry Fees
  • Radio License Issuing Call Sign and MMSI Number

Crew Employment and Payroll 

We offer a convenient crew employment and payroll outsourcing service designed for yachts registered in Malta. This popular add-on simplifies crew management for our clients.

How It Works:

The yacht owner enters into a crew service agreement with the employer. We assume responsibility for employing and paying your crew under the Marine Labour Convention, 2006 guidelines. This includes:

  • Issuing crew contracts
  • Processing crew salaries and payslips
  • Providing sea service testimonials
  • Handling Malta Social Security contributions

For more details on crew employment and payroll services, visit our Crew Management Solutions Page

Contact us today to find out more about our superyacht services.

Breaking the Mould Consulting

Business Advisory Coaching and Superyacht Consultancy
